Friday, January 29, 2010
Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Skate City USA!
So apparently Spokane has been labeled Skate City USA! We hosted the US Figure Skating Championships in 2007 and they came back here for 2010 - apparently they like that they sell tickets here. So since it was right before the Olympics started we decided to buy tickets for the Women's Championship or long program this last Saturday.
We watched about 20 skaters compete and although quite a few (like all but 4 maybe) fell in their routines - of course they were 4 min long and they had some ridiculously difficult jumps to give them credit! The last six were the best and unfortunately since the women didn't compete super well at the World Championship the USA only gets to send 2 women to the Olympics. The skating was great and we got to personally witness Sasha Cohen's comeback attempt - although she placed 4th and won't be performing in Vancouver.
Now one of the best things of the afternoon was that this little 9 yr old I sat next to became like my BFF after 4 hours together. She is a little skater and had event tickets so she'd been to quite a few events and bought "the book" with info on the skaters and areas to keep track of their scores and make notes just like a judge, so for each skater she'd tell me where she was from how old she was and which music she would be skating to - I didn't have the heart to tell her all that info was up on the Jumbotron! Then she would say "Wow look how many coaches she has" or during the performance speculate "Oh yeah she's going to be in first"! She was super cute and fun to sit next too and all in all we had a good time and can't wait to watch the 2010 Olympics!
My new BFF Madalyn took this pic of us!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Family Weekend
Shaun rocking the drums, Emily in her rock stare, and Maisey on vocals!
High Score 207 after 4 rounds!
Shaun beat me though with a solid 50 pts on the other one though!
Grandma stayed with Gage while we played
And Maisey hated Chuck E but was ok with the princess carriage frog!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Big Birthday Ah Yeah Big Birthday, Big Birthday, Big Birthday!
Robbie's Rockin' New Years Eve Party
But this year even though none of the kids were home we called up Peter and Karen and they were ecstatic to still have us come over and ring in the New Year with them. Our numbers weren't the usual turn out as unfortunately more friends were visiting in-laws or back to their respective "homes" but we still had a great time and we even made sure to call Anna and Robbie who were hosting the alternative location of Robbie's Rockin New Years Eve Party in Denver - maybe next year we'll expand to all time zones! Or maybe with all the kids back home next year we'll just have one more great party - and that I'll have to be sure to come back up for!
Joe LOVES playing Apples to Apples (just kidding he said it's a mormon party staple we didn't even play it but he still had to pose with it)
Cousin Time
Above: Hawkins Cousins (this picture of Josh has been to two weddings and many Saturday morning pancake gatherings, Josh come home soon!)
Below: Callie and I ringing in the New Years (can't wait for Amy to be home in May)
Karen said she was disappointed with "the lack of action" after we counted down with Dick Clark to midnight (anybody see it 14-13-10-11-8-7 poor guy) so this is a reinactment of what happened next.
Welcome 2010 man has it already been ten years since I was wearing my "I survived the Y2K T-shirt" at the dance that night. Check out Lisa's blog for that photo from when I was 14 - Yikes!
Christmas and Crazy Hats
Some of the cousins and our hats for the evening!
Aunt Audrey, Sabrina, Brittany, Aunt Cora, Aunt Carol, Mom
Amanda, Callie, Me, and Danielle
This picture is probably a little better representation of the group that night!
And Another One, And Another One, And Another One Bite the Dust!
Amy Jo, Liz, Rachel, Brita, Steph, Me, Emily, & Hannah
I'm sensing a pattern here since the two others on Rachel's left are also counting the days until they also get married, Liz in February and Amy Jo in March! So congrats girls we're so happy for you and really I should say congrats to the guys who have been truly inspired to choose some amazing women!